Masterpiece Leader Guide

As your group studies Masterpiece, feel free to adjust your study as needed based on your group’s dynamics. Each week may look different as you feel led by the Holy Spirit. A sample outline of what your week may look like is:

  1. Watch the corresponding video.

  2. Discuss content from the week’s assigned pages.

    1. Focus on scriptures and activities that stood out to you.

    2. Share any pages that you enjoyed.

  3. Review questions and answers at the end of the lesson.

  4. Set the expectation for the next meeting.

  5. Prayer Time - Be sure to always include time for prayer and salvation.

Group Rules 

It is important to set a positive atmosphere for your group for all ladies to feel comfortable sharing. Remember, you set the tone as the leader, so here are some sample rules you could use to help you.

  1. Confidentiality is a must!

  2. No controlling the conversation. Make time for everyone to share.

  3. No gossiping. Show respect to all whether in your group or not in your group.

  4. Come prepared to discuss.


Information on the Masterpiece supplemental videos has been provided with your copy of the book. Videos were created as bonus content to enhance the study.

Video Titles:

Week 1 - “Beautifully Made”

Week 2 - “Death by Comparison”

Week 3 - “The Little Foxes”

Week 4 - “Anointed to Do Hard Things”

Week 5 - “Created With a Purpose”

Week 6 - “Start Walking”

joie miller