Think Beyond Yourself in 2022

What does it mean to think beyond yourself? The world uses the word charity as a description of doing good for others. This word, charity can mean different things to people, but to me it means to share hope. Hope that people still do care about other people. Hope that compassion and love still exist today. 

I remember when charity became a passion for me. I was pregnant with my fourth child and driving down the road when I had a thought, “If someone gave me a certain amount of money it would change our lives.” The amount that I had in my head wasn’t even a crazy amount, but I remember thinking, “To somebody out there that is just a small amount of money.” Then, the thought hit me, I am that person for somebody. My seemingly small ability to do something for someone else may seem insignificant to me but could change their life. I began to ask God how He would want me to contribute, how to start implementing this desire to be a hope dealer, a promise solver, and extension of His love and provision here on earth. A simple gesture, hug, smile, twenty-dollar bill, hot meal— a reminder that God sees them, loves them, and has a plan for their lives.

I began to serve at a local shelter, and devoted time and resources to an underprivileged part of our community. I began to meet weekly with less fortunate women and children sharing tips on being a mother, budgeting, and eating healthy as a family. We began tutoring and providing after school programs for the children of that community. Best of all, we shared the gospel and saw many lives changed! 

Charity ignites something inside of you that you didn’t know existed. The revelation of Jesus is the answer and He wants to use me in a tangible way to be love.

Biblical charity is defined as God’s love for man expressed in selfless acts towards one another. Charity and love, in the Christian walk, go hand in hand. Charity goes beyond meeting physical and material needs to seeing and responding to a need for love, and ultimately the feeling that someone else does care and that you are not in this thing on your own. 

In a lot of ways charity has become a business; we have grown to rely on certain organizations to take care of the needs around us. While this is good, we need to respond to the desire within each person to help one another out. 

The benefits of being charitable are amazing! God didn’t create us to be inward focused but to be an extension of His love to others. With the response to love and take care of one another comes benefits that are supernatural. 

Charity alleviates feelings of funk (feeling down or depressed) 

Plain and simple, most people spend a lot of time focusing on self. This cultivates a feeling of self-absorption and depression. The best way to shake a funk, or the feeling of being down, is to focus on someone else. The concept that you can meet a need in someone else is like food for the soul! 

Charity causes financial blessing

Have you ever heard the saying it is better to give than receive? There is a principle in the Bible called sowing and reaping. When you sow charity through being generous with your own time and resources, God himself will reward you. You are being an extension of His love on earth, and that is something that He makes note of! 

Charity cultivates purpose

Finding a way to give back and contribute awakens passions. When you have a cause that you are connected to, it can stir passion and purpose inside of you. Even though you may not be able to do everything for everyone, doing something reminds us of God’s purpose for our lives.

See a need, meet a need. Let’s be generous with ourselves, our time, and our finances, and see how charity changes us as we become more like Jesus to the world around us! He cares about people, so I should too!


  • Prepare bags for the homeless to have in your car.

  • Bless a single mom with a gift card for groceries. 

  • Adopt a family in need around the holidays.

  • Serve at a local homeless shelter.

joie miller