The Weight of Your Words

Have you ever said something and then instantly regretted it? Unfortunately, there is no way to take back those words. The old quip: sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me isn’t exactly true. The words we speak can hurt us, as well as others.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 that life and death are in the power of the tongue. The words you speak hold power! Words are so powerful that they are the vehicle by which God created the entire universe! Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” God used His words to create. Just as the universe was created by words, it also responds to words. The words that come from your mouth carry the power to create, so what is it that you are creating? What you say becomes a platform for your tomorrow.

I once heard a preacher say, “Your words carry so much power that they establish your reality. Test your tomorrow by adding the words – and that’s just the way I like it—at the end of every sentence.” For instance, if your finances are struggling and you are complaining about not having enough, just add the words “That’s just the way I like it.” Your words create your reality. The natural response to life is to speak what you see or experience. The supernatural way is to speak in faith and see your reality change around you. James 3:4 likens the power of our tongue to that of a rudder of a ship, it is small yet mighty! “

Take a ship for example. Although they are large and driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants you to go.” (James 3:4)

Your words direct your destiny. A person of faith gets a hold of what God says they can attain in the word and lets that be their declaration. With eyes of faith, you can speak the things into existence that are not as though they are. Your words carry power!

So, what are you speaking today? Are you taking account of the words you speak? The Psalmist said, “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” ( Psalm 141:3). Be reminded today that your words carry weight to create. Think about what you are believing God for and let that be the declaration that comes from your lips!

joie miller