Structuring Your Life for Success

What does it mean to structure your life for success?

I used to think that life just happened—that I always had to cater to the chaos. To structure for success means to create systems in which life runs. Anything that has life runs off of systems; God is a God who creates with order.

At first glance, words such as systems and structure don’t seem very spiritual, but I want you to look at the story of the widow and the oil in 2 Kings 4. God used the prophet Elisha to tell the widow to go around asking for vessels to use to fill with oil as a source of provision in her life. The oil would flow as long as there were vessels to fill. I want you to think of the oil for a minute as the anointing of God and the vessels as structure.

God works with us when we are structured to be able to flow through us at a greater capacity. Capacity is the space that we have in our life for God to use us. If our capacity is always occupied by chaos, we miss out on all that God wants to do in our lives. As you create systems, you are providing the Lord with more vessels! You can create systems in your life by assessing what you are currently doing within a day and what is currently required of you.

Next, write down areas that you would like to see growth in. Are there areas that are a constant source of frustration (such as laundry)? How can you create simple systems to alleviate this frustration? When you begin to intentionally look at your schedule, you will naturally find areas where you can incorporate structure. At first, this may feel overwhelming, but the more you incorporate Intentionality and structure to your life, the greater your capacity will become to be used by God.

Your life will move from little tornadoes of chaos to a platform of peace and joy!

God wants to flow through you at a greater level— let’s structure for success!

joie miller