Living in the Present

The end of summer is approaching, and soon we’ll all be talking back to school and all things fall. Our schedules will ramp up again as we get back into our school year routines and activities. Maybe you’ve already started planning and preparing for it—mentally or otherwise– and I think there are two outlooks on this—there are those who cannot wait for school to start back up, the weather to cool off, or to be sipping their favorite fall-inspired drink, and there are those who dread summer ending, with its relaxed lifestyle and warm, sunny weather. No matter which camp you fall into, my encouragement for you is to slow down and take time to savor where you are, without looking too far ahead or behind.

It’s easy to get stuck in the past or busy ourselves looking forward. I was sharing with someone the other day that I’d spent months thinking about our family’s vacation—how I couldn’t wait for us all to be together, what I’d need to buy or pack, the logistics of travel—and suddenly vacation had come and gone. All of that planning in the months leading up to it and it seemed like time had passed disproportionately fast, as it often does when you’re looking forward to something. And even though I knew it would and I tried to soak it all in while it was happening, it still left me feeling a little deflated after the fact. All that time spent planning and now what?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 “Do not worry about tomorrow” because God provides what we need. God takes care of our tomorrow, so we can rest in today. We’re free to focus on what’s in front of us right now. Whether you’re in a season of breakthroughs, challenges, or one that’s simply mundane, God is there. While it may be easier to see in our mountaintop moments, the hard or ordinary days are an opportunity to really hone your ability to notice, to seek and search for God.

Take some time to reflect on these three things:

Where can I see God in my life right now?

How is He showing me He loves me?

What can I be thankful for today?

Whether you use these as journal prompts or simply think about them as you go about your day, my prayer is that you’ll recognize God’s fingerprints on even the smallest parts of your life.

Certainly, take time to reflect on all the wonderful moments of these past couple of months and allow yourself to prepare for what’s to come in this next season, but don’t get too caught up in wishing that things would stay the same or dreaming of when they’ll be different. You don’t want to miss what’s happening right now. Ordinary days can hold special moments. God’s goodness is right here in the present.

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