Let Hope Rise

Often, we interchange two words that have very different meanings; hope and wish. Do you remember wishing for something when casting a coin into a fountain or blowing out birthday candles? Today, you may wish your life were different or wish your circumstances could change but wishing lacks something that hope holds. 

Hope is defined as the longing or desire for something accompanied by the belief in the possibility of its occurrence. Another definition says hope is a source or reason for such a longing or desire. Wish is defined as an expression of desire, longing, or strong inclination. 

When we wish, it lacks substance. There is no real substantial reason or source by which this longing should come to pass— there is nothing real to anchor into. When you hope, you anchor your desire into God, the truth of who He is, and what He says He will do in your life. Romans 15:13 describes God as the “God of hope”. Hope is not rooted in empty desire; hope is rooted in heaven. Hope is trusting in who God is and is the basis for everything we believe. 

Hope is looking past natural possibilities into supernatural possibilities!

Job 17:11 states “My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart.” Job had lost hope. In the natural there was no glimmer of hope to be seen. Do you feel like your hope is at a loss today? Do you feel like your situation is hopeless? 

The story with Job didn’t end in loss; the Bible goes on to say that God restored double for everything the enemy had stolen from Job! God wasn’t finished writing Job’s story, and He is still writing yours too! If there is an area of disappointment or seeming like loss beyond repair, anchor into the God of Hope. He is a God who is good, and He will turn everything around for your benefit! If your situation isn’t good yet— God is not done! 

Psalm 37:4 says ”Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!” God doesn’t give you a desire to disappoint you. He gives it to you so that you will attach your faith to that desire and see it come to pass! 

Whatever your situation is today, don’t get stuck looking at what is possible. Cast your situation into the God of Hope. The one who brings dead things to life and specializes in the impossible! 

joie miller