Honoring God

What is honor? One definition is to adhere to righteousness! David decided to radically adhere himself to do right in the eyes of the Lord. The Bible says that the Lord searches to and fro throughout the earth looking for a man whose heart is completely His. David was that man, known as a man after God's own heart! When we have a heart fully devoted to pleasing the Lord, like David we will live a life of honor.

David lived a life of honor in many ways, including honoring God with his calling, his conviction, and his circumstances. 

I want to dive further into the third area that David honored God—honoring Him in your circumstances. Honoring God in your circumstances means this: you don't let your situations and the things around you affect your heart in a way that causes it to be divided. David had the opportunity throughout I Samuel 18-26 to let Saul's unwarranted hatred towards him affect his heart, but he didn't! David made a decision not to let bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness taint his pure heart before the Lord!

I Samuel 26 says that David wanted to remain guiltless before the Lord. We honor the Lord as David did by making the same choice to remain guiltless. No matter what circumstance you are in or have been in, it's not worth having a heart tainted before God. Don't let yourself become defined by your circumstance, but instead, honor the Lord by trusting that circumstance into His hands. Trust that He will take care of it and make every wrong right! By doing this, you honor God and become a person who is after God's own heart!

Make a decision today to adhere yourself to righteousness—to live a life in such a way that everything you do is out of honor for the Lord!

Pray and ask God today, "Is there any area in me that I am letting taint my heart? I want to honor you, Lord. I trust You with every area of my life today! I will be a woman after Your heart, in Jesus' name. Amen!"

joie miller