Don't Doubt Your Destiny

Have you ever doubted your destiny? You know what I’m talking about… moments when the destiny you thought you could perceive doesn’t seem like it is coming to pass. In fact, there may even be moments where you feel like you are headed in the exact opposite direction of your destiny. Be encouraged today if this is you, chances are really good that you are closer to your destiny than you even realize.

I think we get the idea of our destiny all wrong. In some strange way we have imagined a threshold that we arrive at marked destiny. The future God has for you is more about a journey than an arrival. I believe that as you walk with God, your destiny continues to unfold. The further you are on the journey, the less you should focus on arriving and more on becoming. The definition of becoming is to change or grow into. Colossians 3 explores the concept of becoming: “You have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge of the image of its creator” (Col 3:10) The phrase “being renewed in” can be translated to the word “become.” As a follower of Christ, we are “becoming” every day.

Each step towards your destiny holds an opportunity for you to become more like Christ. In fact, as you are becoming, your destiny is being played out before you. Each time you choose to put away your old self (habits and attitudes of the flesh), you are becoming who you are destined to be. Be encouraged today to focus on how far you’ve come and how much you’ve changed. Focusing on a destination can create discouragement and frustration. God is much more concerned about you becoming than arriving at a destination. In fact, if you don’t become each day you won’t be ready when that future you have perceived in your spirit comes to pass. God is orchestrating everything in your life to forge a future that is good; His plan is to prosper you and not to harm you (Jerm 29:11). So stop doubting. Stop questioning the process of becoming. The transformation that God is calling you to is waiting for the next version of you!

Yes, another version of you. Each step you take towards your destiny will require change. Changing toward the version of you that is required for the fulfillment of your purpose is a constant process. As you grow toward your destiny, different (better) versions of you will emerge. Your future destiny requires you to reinvent yourself over and over again. Although this can feel overwhelming, it should actually give you hope. No matter where you are in the process of becoming a new version of you, it’s never too late to pivot, change, and grow. I would venture to say that not only is changing good, it’s necessary to become who God has destined you to be! As you grow, everything around you will grow! You attract to the degree of the person that you are. This means everything in your life is at the level it is because that’s where you have been. As you grow to the next level, you will attract a next level harvest!

So, stop doubting and start becoming! Commit yourself to growth in every area of your life. Whether it’s attitudes of the heart, toxic behavior, old thought patterns—commit to put away some things and put on some new things. As you do, you’ll realize your destiny isn’t a location but a journey to become who you are while fulfilling the good plans and purposes of God!

Xoxo- Joie

joie miller