Destiny in the Desolate

One of the most significant Biblical and historical figures is a man named Moses. The story of his life is intriguing and remarkable. God purposed Moses to set the nation of Israel free from slavery and lead them in the ways of God. Moses' journey with God was ignited by an encounter on Mount Herob (Exodus 3:1-2 KJV). The angel of the Lord appeared to him from within a burning bush that somehow wasn’t consumed by the fire. Moses decided to investigate the phenomenon. From the bush, God called to Moses by name, Moses responded, and God instructed him to remove his sandals, for the ground where he stood was holy. 

The word Horeb in Hebrew means, “desolate.” It seems ironic that in God’s wisdom, He chose a desolate place—a place defined as barren and empty—as holy ground. Here God would make himself known to Moses as the Creator and giver of life, the one true living God. Here is where God would make Moses’ divine destiny known. It was in the desolate place God showed up. Mount Horeb wasn’t actually a desolate place, it was filled with God’s presence. Through the burning bush experience, God called Moses into the awareness that this place was holy ground. It was here that God gave Moses divine strategy, wisdom, and guidance for his assignment that would lead His people to freedom. This location later marked the spot for several life-changing encounters that Moses would have with God. 

Maybe today you find yourself in a desolate place. Maybe disappointment has landed on your doorstep. Maybe you feel alone and wonder where God is in all of this. My friend, it is in those places where God is inviting you to experience His holy ground. It is here where you can experience God’s miraculous power to turn a situation around. It is here where you get to know God deeply and intimately to learn His character. It is here where God is revealing to you your divine destiny. Rather than running from God out of frustration, go deeper by entering your secret place with God onto holy ground. He will begin sharing with you His secrets, just as He did with Moses to create deep intimacy together. It's in these places where God births something new in you to accomplish His work through you. He is molding you and shaping you to reflect his image here on Earth and He does that in the hidden places. The story doesn’t end here but it is created here. What seems desolate is the holy ground for God to dwell in. Will you answer His invitation to experience His holy ground and find your God-given destiny in the desolate?

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