The Bounce-Back Factor

Have you ever taken your toddler into a store and instantly regretted it? It’s that moment of pure rationalization where you convince yourself you can quickly be in and out of a place without any mishaps. I've made this mistake many times through the years. The thought of getting out of the house to walk around somewhere pretty much overrides my “mom instinct” that “this probably isn’t a good idea.”

One particular time I was walking around a home store with my toddlers (yes, multiple toddlers) and our newborn. My five-year-old son, at the time, was obsessed with balls of any type. As we were walking around the store, he grabbed what looked like a colorful bouncy ball. He proceeded to slam it off the ground. Instead of bouncing, it shattered into a million pieces, and so did my dignity. I was so embarrassed and apologetic. What he thought was bouncy and resilient was actually fragile and breakable.

The ball wasn’t resilient at all. At the least amount of handling, it was susceptible to breaking. Our lives can be a metaphor for the pretty, glass, not-so-resilient ball if we aren't careful. While it may look pretty on the outside, any amount of pressure causes destruction. As a woman of God, God doesn’t want you to fall apart the moment you face anything hard. He has created you to be resilient in spirit! If you are going to do anything for God, it is going to require a little bit of what I like to call the bounce-back factor. If you break under pressure, you won’t walk in God’s purpose for your life. So, how bouncy are you?

1.      Do you quit easily?

Bouncy people don’t quit! They keep getting back up! Proverbs 24:16 says, “A righteous man falls seven times but gets back up.” This verse talks about a righteous person facing adversity to the point where they feel as though they’ve been knocked on their behind! The mark of a resilient person is that they get back up! Make it your motto that quitting is not an option if God has called you to something! As a child of God, the only way you lose is by forfeit. If the enemy sees you as fragile, he will send adversity to try to break you. God’s power in you has given you the spirit of an overcomer (Romans 8)! There is no adversity that God can’t see you through if you’re just willing to get back up one more time!

2.      Are you easily offended?

A heart that offends easily is the enemy’s playground. Not much else will shelf you quicker than being easily offended. Decide to walk above offense. Choose to guard your thoughts. Dismiss negative thoughts that cause you to become offended. Set your mind on things above! Meditate on what is true, good, noble, and righteous! If someone has offended you, forgive and forget! Don’t keep the incident on replay! God has too much for you to remain broken by offense. Pray for your enemies, guard your thoughts, and choose to be happy-these things will keep you bouncy.

3.      Do you have a tribe?

There’s nothing more motivating than a good coach in your corner telling you to get back up! Resilient people are surrounded by supportive people. Find a tribe or create one! Start being a cheerleader for others, and you will find others reciprocating you. The worst thing you can do when facing adversity is isolate yourself. Develop or discover two to three people you want in your corner and lean into those relationships! Be real with this tribe; stay positive and faith-focused together! Remember, iron sharpens iron!

God has big things in store for you this year; resilience is key! Take the word quit out of your vocabulary! I believe every setback is only going to cause you to bounce higher! No quitting allowed; with God, you’ve got this!

joie miller